The best part of me
still remains to be unseen by the human eyes. The naked eye can only see the
outward appearance of me; so please be careful before you try, and judge me. My
maker is the only one who could ever construct such a work of art like me.
best part of me is not the way my hips swing back, and forth as I walk pass you!
Yes my hips are a part of my physical makeup, but it is not the best part of
me. My exotic cat like eyes are not the best part of me, but they are a vital
part of who I am.
Some say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but who
really knows. Please don’t get confused by my moves! Don’t get it twisted because
a sista likes nice things. Yeah that’s me! I love my hair, clothes, and shoes
to be just right, but you don’t get it! That is not the best part of me!
In the
world today men and women confuse the best part of themselves with sex. Yes
sex sells they say….so why are you just giving it away?? Ooooh!! Wait lets make
this clear now; I am not promoting prostitution I am promoting realization, and
self awareness.
I know what you are thinking,
so now I am going to tell you! Yes……. what is under this skirt is like pure
gold to the soul. A precious diamond far too rare to be handled by those who
don’t understand; that my body, face, and what is down there does not define me
up here!! That is not even the best part of me; no not close to it!
The bible tells
us that “Charm is deceitful and beauty is
passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the
fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in
the gates.” Proverbs 31:30-31.
You must be asking
yourself what is the best part of you? If it is not all of those things seen by
people on the outside than what? Well I will tell you! The best part of me is my heart
that longs to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Yes now that is what is
best about me.
I have a heart turned toward God each day I live. I say yes Lord
teach me your will for my life. Help me to forgive those that hurt me, help me
be a better mother, so I can raise the jewels you gave me as you see fit. Lord
show me how to pray for others when I am having a hard time within myself. Not
my will Lord, but let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
So you see the best
part of me cannot be seen with the natural eyes, but rather by the divine revelation
that comes from God. Flesh and blood can never reveal me or my inner talents.
It will take God the creator of my soul to get that job right. See He made me,
and He knows all about the hidden things within me.
He helps me not to be defined
by the beauty on the outside. I have to say I am well pleased with the creators
work, but that is not the best part of me, and never will be!! Some of us get lost
in our looks, but those can fade away as time goes by. The best part of me is
not seen with the natural eyes, but spiritual eyes from God.
Remember the song
that said he saw the best in me by Marvin Sapp. The best part of me must be
told to you by a man that calls me his friend, and daughter. He knows my whole
story, and can tell it better than me, so the best part of me is what lives in
me, and that is my God who is also my father!!
P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For
Successful Living" is coming to you soon!! Also look for my YouTube
videos that I am getting ready to put up! Thanks for the support!