Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!!

Happy New Years to you all. Here is a word of encouragement to you; YOU MADE IT!! YOU ARE HERE!!!!

No matter what happened this year you made it to see another day. You may have had some setbacks and issues, but I have to remind you that you MADE IT!!! You are stronger than you thought. God is carrying you, so don't stop believing now. The best is still yet to come!

This is another year and another day. This is your year to shine!! Step out and be great.  Be blessed, and make this new year beyond wonderful and amazing.

God bless you! 

P.S. My book Daily Empowerment For Successful Living is out now on Amazing. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Her name is LOVE! Poem

Love has a name and she is the real deal. She wants nothing from you, but your time.

 Money and cars she has it all, but the one thing she needs is more of your time.

 Love has a name and she keeps it real. She is never one to boast of what she has, but she proudly honors her achievements because she knows it all came from hard work.

 Love has a two seater drop top convertible and the only man she wants next to her driving in it is you!

 Love has a name and it spells out truth. Don't get the four letter word confused with the true meaning of the word itself. 

Love is always TRUTH even when we are blinded by lies.

Understand this one thing………she wants you she does not need you. Never mistake that for her needing you. She is not weak she loves way too hard! 

Is there such a thing as loving too hard…….? 

When love makes you look like a 

A need and a want are two different things. She owes no one anything, but wants

something she cannot always have and that is you.

Is love a fool or is she just blind? I don’t know which one to choose.



These are all the things LOVE stands for within her heart.

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now! Get your copy today. Thanks for stopping by. XOXO

Saturday, October 24, 2015

"Silence Kills"

                     "Silence Kills"

The day you become fearful and stop speaking out on behalf of justice is the day you should fear for your own safety. 

If you will not protect others with your voice who will protect any of us? 

Silence is death and silence has been used as a tool to kill good people. It's called a cover up. Don't ask any questions because if you do society will silence you too. This is how they have gained mind control over so many.

When you speak up you give life to those who did not realizes that they were dying from a lack of justice. 

Justice gives life! It also gives FREEDOM. 

Speak life and stand up for others who can’t stand by themselves any longer. We need YOUR help!

Your problems are my problems because you are my brother and my sister. 

Don’t let skin color separate us. Don’t let education and wealth divide us. Don’t let politics destroy us. 

Unify and grow stronger as one. We all can make a difference if we try.

~Corenna Khieu~

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" out now on