Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Thank You?"

Hey love thanks for stopping by. Leave me a comment and lets talk.

The words “thank you” are simple and sweet, but yet they are often hard to say or completely over looked! 

Sometimes a thank you can get lost in translation. My older sister says “did I say thank you last month for doing this?” I usually laugh at her because I know she means it even if she forgets to say it in that moment. 

However, there are some who have not quite mastered those two mighty words just yet! 

 Now let us talk about this, shall we? 

If you are anything like me you find yourself being a natural giver, and many times with being a natural giver you can be made to feel like you have been used, mistreated, and abused for your kindness.

The sweet simple words of “thank you” may seem like nothing, but to a person who has given their all it can truly mean everything.   

These small powerful words show one’s gratitude and appreciation for the actions of others. The words thank you shows that a person has taken time to reflect on what you have done for them in a heart felt way. 

It demonstrates that she has an understanding that what you did, you did not have to do it for her since, your time is precious.

Recently, I had an experience where I helped a person for a while and was left feeling used while they praised everyone else. I am not one who needs the awards, but it made me feel like my sacrifice was not at all valued. 

I suddenly had to realize that I was not in it for the thank you, and applause. I saw a need so I helped like any decent person would!

Even if no one else cares enough to say thank you, just know that God says thank you from the bottom of His heart. When you do kind things for others you make the heart of God smile. 

When you do what is right God finds ways to bless you and pay you back for your acts of kindness.

No good deed goes without rewards no matter what some may think. I choose to see the glass as half full as opposed to half empty.

You have a heart of gold, and sometimes that heart can get hurt when it feels used. Take courage and stay positive. Even if no one tells you, you are a blessing that is changing lives! As always it has been great talking with you all. Until next time peace!! 
P.S. My book Daily Empowerment For Successful Living is out. Get your copy today! Thanks!! XOXO 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

"The Prize"

Hey you!! Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and lets chat.

"The prize set before me, is much greater, than the pain behind me!" By CJK

Its time to leave your pain in your past. Start looking forward to all the great things that are soon to come your way. What are some of your goals/ prizes that you are believing God to help empower you to go after?

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now. XOXO.