Sunday, February 28, 2016

"A Painful Dream" poem

A Painful Dream

I trusted in a painful dream that NEVER came true, but I still loved you!

Even when I saw the lies I could not fully face the reality of what was inside of you.

You were my sun, my moon, and my stars. You had become my world.

I was so lost in you it was PATHETIC!

 Forever I thought I would be your woman; however, your lies

became too big for me to deal with and I

no longer needed them or you!

I came to a point where I could not stand to see you smile.

Was that a lie as well?

 At last I found the strength to free myself and walk away from you.

I am not ALONE I have been awaken to my call and my worth. 
I am a woman who now understands her value. 
 My awakening has forced me to see your lies for what they really were.

You were not just the problem I was as well.

I was broken and lost. I thought that if I

loved you hard enough it would make up

for all the disappointments in my life!

How wrong was I! 

You are not God and I should have NEVER

given anyone that kind of power over my happiness and my life.

You my friend were not worthy of my love… were a bum, but you where my bum.

You were broken and I tried to fix your tatted heart.

You have had 20 years of hurt and bitterness locked inside;
 I could not undo that kind of pain.

That was your mess to clean up, but silly me I tried to do it for you, and I nearly died in the process.

But love saved my life. I am talking about true love saved my life.

God showed me how to first fall in love with Him, and I could finally stop chasing after

other people to love me for me!

I now have a happy ending.

My nightmare has finally come to an end, but yours has just started.

When you realize you let me(ALL OF THIS) walk away it will

take you many years of therapy to get OVER A REAL WOMAN LIKE ME!

I Am The One & The Only

Corenna Khieu!

Thank you for reading! :)


My new book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is now available on Amazon! Get your copy now. XOXO.