Monday, August 8, 2016

"Love At First Sight?"

Love At First Sight? 

Love At First Sight?

Tonight I fell madly in love with you.
I don’t know if it was your eyes or your hair that caught my attention, but I was hooked. I was his.

Maybe it was a combination of them both perhaps.
I did not expect to find love on a crowded New York street, but here I am looking through the window at you sitting inside a French bistro.

You are perfection in every single way.
When God created you He took His time.
Your perfectly sculpted face is mesmerizing. Those high cheekbones. Those dark brown eyes of yours are exotic, mysterious, and alluring. 

Your eyes call me to touch your face without actually looking at me.
Don’t get me started on those lips! I sense they ache to be kissed. I am more than willing to oblige their request.

The only thing that is stopping me is this glass window between us.
You look like the kind of man I have been praying for!

I long to hear your voice.
I long to feel your warm breath on my chest.
Oh how I long to hold your hand.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

I sighed because I wished I could smell your sweet scent. I imagined it would smell something like Cool Water cologne after a misty walk in the rain.
For that small moment when I closed my eyes I missed you.
You are by far the best part of my day.
What a shame you don’t even know my name.
You don’t even know I exist.
I could be so good to you.

I would sit and listen to you speak and engage you with my eyes.
I would laugh at all of your jokes even the ones not so funny.

I would make your favorite meals every night and have dinner by candle light waiting for you.

I could be the kind of woman who would support your dreams by telling you
to follow your heart. 

Wherever life took you I would be next to you by your side.
I would treat you like a king because I know you are.

Together as your queen we would rule the seven seas; however, you don’t even know I am alive.

I sadly put my hand on the glass window as I felt myself melting slowly into misery.

I guess it is now or never!

I hope when you see me you see heaven in my eyes.

I hope my eyes tell you my truth. I hope they reveal to you my story.

I hope you envision me wearing a beautiful white dress standing on a beach saying “I do” as I take your last name and become your Mrs.

I hope when we kiss you feel the moon and the stars collide.

I hope you see your future in my eyes and chase after destiny with me.

As I walked closer to your table my heart rate raced even faster.

My hands were sweaty. I felt completely nervous yet strangely excited about the future.

I hope you don’t mind cause I am about to blow your mind.

“Hello!”  Is the only words I could say as your beautiful dark browns eyes looked back at me.

You smiled warmly and said “hello,” back.
Your voice was so smooth and sweet. No sound had I heard like your voice that soothes me like the sounds of an ocean.  

Your eyes are so haunting. They hold secrets behind them that you long to tell me.  

I saw you pondering asking your soul "Who is this beauty standing before me"; when all of the sudden I heard “Excuse me can we help you?”

She put her hand on his shoulder, and she lowered her gaze at me. At last I saw the big ring on her tiny finger.

My heart broke into a million little pieces. All of my dreams had abruptly vanished.

Standing there I had to try and recover somehow from this horrific experience. 

The look of disappointment was
written all over my face.

I replied” I am sorry! I thought you were someone else.”
I turned and walked away leaving the lovely little bistro feeling full of shame and sadness.

Where do I go from here? Standing outside all alone in the cold. I thought to myself.

Tonight all of my hopes and dreams where lost in you. For a second it felt so good to be lost in you, but this whole thing was by far too good to be true.

It is clear you did not feel what I felt for you. I mean how could you? Your heart
was already taken by another woman.

You my love were never really mine!
Tears ran down my face. As crazy as it may seem I was already widely in love with a man who never knew my name.

I hope she treats you special and gives you all the love a man like
yourself could ever want and deserve.

I would have been so good to you, but sadly your heart was already taken
by someone else.

I guess this is how the story must end……

I can still catch the L if I walk fast.
Dreaming of you was now in the past.
Nothing good could ever come of it.

I hope this feeling of sadness and disappointment does not last forever.

This is why I hate window shopping. 
I look at things I know I can’t ever have!
There is no point to this.

Crossing her arms and pouting under a street

All of this day dreaming has done nothing, but cause me more pain.

I now understand that sometimes the dream is far better than reality.

Well anyhow......I must walk fast if I expect to make my train and be home by nine.

Written by Corenna Khieu 
Enjoy the song. I thought of it as I was writing this poem.

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living"

Get your copy at Amazon or anyplace where books are sold.  
I am working on a few books and I cannot wait to share them with you all. One is a fictional drama and the other is a self help book! 
Stay tune there is more to come! #CJK