Friday, October 7, 2016

How Much Does Your Dream Cost?

How Much Does Your Dream Cost?

How much are your dreams worth to you? I hear people all the time talk about their dreams, but I often
wonder how far are most people willing to go to achieve their goals?

Let’s be honest dreams are free right? It is the action of bringing that dream to fruition that will certainly cost you something much bigger.

If you are looking for a handout or a free ride your dreams, and goals are really not that important to you after all.

Anything you place a high value on, you are willing to work hard for it without complaining about it.

Take for instance when you are in a relationship. You work hard to make sure your relationship is a success. You put forth your best effort to ensure things within the relationship will work out the way you desire them to. Most of us don’t even think about what we do in terms of what it will cost us or the sacrifices we make when we are in love with someone.

I think a better way to view the question of how much does your dream cost you is asking yourself “What am I gaining by going after this goal? How will this goal or idea I am working on profit me? How will my dream CHANGE my life when I go after it?”

Don’t let hard work scare you out of working towards your dreams and goals.

Be willing to spend time on your dreams and project. Set aside needed space daily or weekly, depending on your time line.

Your dream may cost you a few sleepless nights because you are up late working hard on your project, or getting up earlier than normal to spend time on it; however, the reward will be, so much sweeter when you finally see that you are winning.

I guarantee you if you work hard and stay focus your hard work will pay off when you see your dream blossoming right before your eyes.
Until next!

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