Don’t make the mistake of devaluing your gifts, talents, or abilities. Look to the one who made you(your creator) to give you the answers about the purpose, and plans He placed in you!
You are special, and there is no one else in the world like you; you are a designer’s original master pierce. You set the tone for what is cool, and follow no one else’s lead.
Take the time to get to know YOU! No really! Get to know yourself; when you are aware of the greatness inside of you, you will not allow the world to take it for granted or walk on top of it as if it was nothing.
Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, and love yourself better than anyone else can! You are important and greatly loved by the best!
When you know who you are, and what you are worth, you will not stand for child like games; instead, you will demand the greatest respect because that is what you will give to others in return. Know yourself and love the person God made great inside of you! ~CJK~
P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon!! Also look for my YouTube videos that I am getting ready to put up! Thanks for the support!