Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Character Assassination"

 Hey love!!

Character assassination is inevitable; however, the way you deal with it, will determine if you are the victor, or the victim/loser in the situation. 

 Always take the higher road because it is less traveled by those who cannot stand the real truth. When you take the higher road, it means you don’t fight dirty like you would like to. It means you allow God to defend you instead.   

Please do not waste your time, or energy on things, or people who are not worthy of it. Speak blessings over others instead of hateful words. 

Allow God to deal with any and all wrong in the hearts of people including yourself!! It is your job to pray and bless- not to speak lies and curses over  others. 

Be the person God called you to be. Stop bringing darkness into the light of God's glory. Remember God is watching and He will do the judging in the end.

 My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube videos! XOXO ;)