Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"Learning To Live Without You" Poem

"Learning To Live Without You"

Today was a sunny warm day, but I didn’t really think much of you! 

My pain has forced me to not 
think of you as often.

It’s been so long since I last seen you.

I don’t remember what your face looks like anymore.

I still miss seeing your bright smiling face. 
 I miss all the sweet little things we did

I miss being called
your love song!

Letting go is what I had to do; it was a must so I could live life without you.

But I still love you and I always will!

The love we shared has been misplaced.

Where did it ALL go? Is it stuck in time?

Learning to live my life without you was the most painful

experience of my life.

Where you are now I cannot go!

At last I look on without you.

 It’s time to move on from here.

                I have already buried MY dead!
Goodnight! Sweet dreams and so long my dear!

~Corenna Khieu~ 


My new book Daily Empowerment For Successful Living is now available on Amazon! Get your copy now. XOXO.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


                                     “IF” Poem

"Sitting looking out the windows of yesterday’s past, I wondered what if, IF came too soon?

 I wondered what the pathway of my life would be like if I had taken another road on the highway that life was offering me?

 Looking out the windows of the past is reminiscent of looking at the gateways of one’s soul.

With passion, so bright and life looking, so dull I wondered if, IF came too late?  

Why do we assume?

 As the wind blows across the sandy beaches the sand never wishes to run. For it knows that the winds are coming but like a tree taken by the storm, it must always remain still until the end. I wondered if ,IF came to soon?

I wondered did we give life a fair chance to dance with grace. I wondered did we give time the needed space to create deep within us something great? 

I wondered did I really allow my mind to run free with the time I was given or if, the IF’s that stopped, so many of us came too soon or far too late? 

But why do we assume?

I let these mystical mysteries create walls inside of me. Walls that I could not see, but glass ceilings I came to close to touch. Again when I say IF that is a mystery. 

Many have allowed it to bring to a halt all of their hopes and dreams. Deep down inside there was always that IF that kept mankind from realizing the dream of a King and Queen. 

I wondered if, IF came too soon or far too late. 

That IF is the disgraceful uninvited dinner guest that had far too much to drink and way too much to say but no one put him in his place. 20 people set at the formal dining room table looking at the spectacle, but no one had the boldness to correct his misbehavior and issues from the past.

When a missed opportunity happens I wondered if, the two letter word called IF caused us to close the door on this case far too soon or far too late?  

Again, why must we still assume? 

Did you do all that you could do or did you simply allow a two letter word IF to become the master of your destiny? 

At last I sit looking out the painful windows of the past and I wonder if I allowed my biggest enemy IF to steal the purpose and destiny that was always meant for me?" The End

 My friends there is no time to assume. Don’t allow the spirit of IF to hold you back any longer. The time is now to break free and dare to be more than you ever thought you could be.

P.S. my book Daily Empowerment For Successful Living is out now. Get your copy today at