Friday, June 16, 2017

"Under Heaven's Eve" Poem

“Under Heaven’s Eve” Poem
I saw You setting alone.
Your eyes told me You were waiting for me in eternity.
Drifting on a cloud You set patiently waiting for me.
Here on earth my heart longs for Yours.
It is raining hard outside, yet my tear drops out number the rain
that falls down from Heaven’s sky.
I belong to You.
It is my life’s mission to be with You forever.
Often I read Your love notes addressed to me.
They keep me encouraged.
For I know one day You will come back in the clouds & take me home to be with You.
(Revelation 1:7 NKJV)
Everyday I sit hoping that this day will come soon.
You know the holes I have in my heart, and
all the disappointments
I have on my plate.
Even in the still coldness of night I can
always depend on You to be my rock, to rock me back to sleep.
You may not always use words, but Your
love strengths me.
I am madly in love with You and I don’t care who knows it.
At last I wait for You. In the garden is where we first met.
I long to walk with You in the coolness of the day once again like we did before the snake arrived.
We will embrace each other when we are reunited under heaven’s eve. In that day You will wipe away all of our tears.
As the sunsets and the time comes to an end I know You are with me.
Until the end of time I sit and wait for You in this new garden under heave’s eve.   
Written by Corenna Khieu on Dec.3, 2016 
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