Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Character Assassination"

 Hey love!!

Character assassination is inevitable; however, the way you deal with it, will determine if you are the victor, or the victim/loser in the situation. 

 Always take the higher road because it is less traveled by those who cannot stand the real truth. When you take the higher road, it means you don’t fight dirty like you would like to. It means you allow God to defend you instead.   

Please do not waste your time, or energy on things, or people who are not worthy of it. Speak blessings over others instead of hateful words. 

Allow God to deal with any and all wrong in the hearts of people including yourself!! It is your job to pray and bless- not to speak lies and curses over  others. 

Be the person God called you to be. Stop bringing darkness into the light of God's glory. Remember God is watching and He will do the judging in the end.

 My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube videos! XOXO ;) 


"What Do You Value????"

 Hey love! Thanks for stopping by! ;)

"Value what you already have, not what you are looking for. It took me a while to understand this. Once you understand this mystery to life, your happiness, joy, peace, self love, and success will no longer be a secret, but a reality" ~CJK~

My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube videos! XOXO ;)   

Monday, December 1, 2014

Expecting To Much From Others?

 Hey you thanks for stopping by!

Don't expect others to be like someone else. You will possibly miss out on them being themselves & what they have to offer the world. Learn to allow others to be themselves, unique, different and special just as you are. 

My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube Videos!XOXO :)    

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Time Is Short

 Hey love!!

Leave me comment, and lets talk! ;)

 Take no one for granted! It is not certain that you or them will be here tomorrow. Say what is in your heart; show others the love you want to see in your own life, so desperately! Our time here on earth is short; make every second of it count for something greater! 

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now get your copy today! XOXO

Friday, November 14, 2014

Never Come Down

Never come down from the mountain tops to deal with the trolls that live under the bridge. You are better than that be wise. Its not your fight its the Lords fight. Let God do battle for you in every area of your life, and watch success follow you!

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

"Try it!"

"Never be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not trying instead!

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Never Quit"

Hey you! Leave me a comment. ;)

There have been many many times when I almost gave up, but I did not!! The reward was sweeter because I knew how close I had come to saying "I am done" and walking away.

I feel this strong fire that will not let me give up even when I try.  I realized I had to learn to be humble enough to know when to ask for help. 

When you are going after your dreams pride will only get in the way. Never let your dreams die. Always stand up & fight for it no matter what people say about you or your dreams! 

You will make it if you sincerely try. Quitting only forfeits your blessings and rights to your wards, so never quit. 

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Walk Away"

 Be smart enough to know when to walk away from something that is not worth your time. Never violate yourself to suit the needs of others.


My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living is out now on! Get your copy today! XOXO

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Saying What You Want!


There is power in saying what you want! This is your life, and only you have the power to turn it around.

Say what you like; say what you need! It can be yours if you open your mouth and go after it with all of your heart.

Its time to dream again. It is time to live a fresh new bold life in a world yet to be conquer by you!

So see what you want out of life by dreaming, and always remember to put God first in your pursuit to find real happiness.

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the lookout for my YouTube videos that are also coming soon! Be blessed XOXO!  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


What you are too afraid to make happen for yourself someone else with the same idea will do it for you!

Hey everyone! My book"Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube videos as well! 


"Its easy to feel depleted, but you are not empty you are just reaching for the wrong things and people to fill you up"

Hey everyone! My book"Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out on Get your copy now! XOXO

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I learned a long time ago that there is no need to impress anyone other than yourself and God! That is real joy.......not caring about the thoughts of others is purely priceless!

Hey everyone! My book"Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Be on the look out for my YouTube videos as well!

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Keys To Success"

"Being successful requires organization, discipline, and consistency! If you do all three of those things you will NEVER fail again!"

My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out on Amazon now! Thanks for your support! XOXO.  

"The Real Truth" Quote

"The truth is still the truth no matter how one tries to conceal it from others!"

 P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon! Look out for my YouTube videos as well! XOXO  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“Run Away With Me In The Wind”

Hey you!


 “Run Away With Me In The Wind
In the wind is where we first met!
Run away with me.
Leave the cares of this world behind us!
As I stand here holding your hand
I hope you will come with me!
Let us be taken by the wind.
Let the wind guide our paths.
Run away with me!
I am yours, so flee with me!!!
Take no thought for tomorrow; the sun
will still rise, but I may not be here with you!
My greatest dream is for you and me to be together like this always.
What stops us you ask? The cares of this world! They come between our love. In the darkness of night it is your body that I hold on to tight, but when day break comes
You are gone like a candle blown out at night.
My love why must we stay here another day? Let’s go to the other side of the world. Lets make love on the highest tops of snow crested mountains; lets bathe in the deepest seas.
With you next to me I will never drown.
So pack a bag my love and run away with me to the
farthest corners of the earth.
Be mine!
Leave this old world behind, and say YES to me!
Let our love shine as brightly as the moon, and the stars.
Rest your head on my chest; feel the breath of God going through my body.
At last I ask, let the winds push us toward each other, and never apart.
Leave the responsibilities of life here, and go far far away with me.
I told you I am yours, but this is not enough for me. Let us live as mini gods who walk the earth.
Take your dominion as you have been given Adam;
and tell the earth to yell her increase unto us. That is really why you cannot allow
yourself to be free and run away with me right?
You fear what tomorrow may bring. If you think like that it
will only bring you doom “I created you to be a god, but you will die like mortals”(Psalm 82:6-7). Think higher my love. Become intoxicated by our love. Be intoxicated by my smell. Again I ask you….. leave this all behind, and let the winds of our love, and the sight of God in our eyes
take us to unknown places. Don’t be afraid my love. If you fall will I not be there to catch you? Trust as we embark on this new journey together that our love, and God’s winds will push us to safety, and we will rest on the endless sands by the still waters. You will never want again, so I ask will you run away with me in the wind?    

P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now on Amazon. Thanks for the support! XOXO!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



 Hey you!!

"When life is amazing you just want to share it with everyone around you! Happiness is contagious. Be the happiness you want to see everyday in others.....someone needs to see your happiness to know that it is REAL." ~CJK~

P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out this fall!!!! Be on the lookout for my YouTube videos as well!XOXO