Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Negative Words

Hey you!! Thanks for stopping by!! ;) 


Do not let other people's negative words stop you. Let their negative words drive you to reach higher for greater success. 

Think about it this way. They would not say these things about you unless they were threatened by the greatness God, and the world sees in you. 

Do not take part in the foolishness of men. Be confident in the person you know God created you to be. Pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. People will always have something to say negative about you, and I say let them speak! When they throw rocks at you, those same rocks will come back to destroy their own home soon after. Hate can not drive away hate!

God will turn ever word curse into a major blessing for you. You cannot curse who God has blessed. Read it for yourself in the book of Numbers 23. Be encouraged. Do not let the world bring you down. Take comfort in knowing that God/Jesus has already overcome this world on your behalf! Be blessed!

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO