Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Good Night Sweet Prince" Poem

Good Night Sweet Prince

I saw You in the dark……waiting for me.

I tried to reach out my hand to meet Yours,

but the light of the moon was covered by black clouds.

At last I am alone without You!!

My sweet Prince this is not the fairy tale

we both dreamed or imaged!

This world is dark and cold.

Much of it is very repulsive and unseemly.

There are dark forces  

working hard to keep us apart.

Oh how I long to kiss thy sweet

lips. Oh how I long

to lay in Your warm sweet embrace.

You my Prince are all I could ever want.

When I reached out for You like a ghost You

were gone, nowhere to be found!!

My arms became weak, my legs started to shake.

 I almost lost my mind without You by

my side! 

Where were You when I called Your name?

You said You would never leave me nor forsake me, but did You not?

Alone I stood amongst the angry wolves in camouflage who

were desperately seeking to destroy my flesh.

At night they terrorized me, and said where is your sweet Prince your God now? Where is He?

I expected You to raise up Your voice like a trumpet, but at last I was left all alone.

I was the only one there fighting this beast off of me.
  Why? I tried to regain control after the attack against me was done, but my heart felt hopeless.

All I could think about was were where You? Where were You when I was stabbed, oh sweet Prince not of this world. Where were You? I trusted You more than a lover, a mother, and a father!! 

My heart fails because of the lack of justice I see around me. Where is my help Lord?

The Prince responded, so kindly to me.

Every time you called I showed up. I was that

voice pushing you to fight back when the enemy came to terrorize you and over take your life. It was my

name(Jesus) that gave you life and washed away all of your sins.

I know it seems like when you are hurting the most I disappear or   get

quiet, but that is not true. The distances seems real, but like a father has to allow his baby’s legs to become strong enough, so she can walk on them alone-  I too pull away to let you grow and become strong enough to stand on your own.

This shows you what you are truly made of. My hearts deepest desire sweet Princess is to hold you

tight and never let go. 

I have a beautiful home waiting for you above the clouds;

however, your time on earth is still needed here!

You will experience much pain on this earth, but your struggles will be truly rewarded.

Don’t be mad! This is my Father’s plan for you. It was His plan for me as well.

I asked Him three times to let this cup pass from me, but at last it was mine to drink alone.

My disciples could not endure the pain of the cross.

My blood was the only blood that

had the power to wash away your sins.

My perfect angel do not be displaced by this world.

There is still much good left on it.

People like you will make the changes that are needed to

help free others. Don’t you understand why the fake prince comes to deceive you? 

He is after My glory. He wishes to take My plans

away from you by placing smoke screens around you to make you think I am not here when I am.

Please do not cry or be dismayed. I am God’s only son, and with Me you shall reign forever in eternity,

in the light of His joy. 

There is still much work for you to do. 

When it is your time I was send for you.

My angels will carry you back to My Father’s House.

I will be waiting for you

with a large host of angels, dear friends who have gone on,

and with many members of your family also pleasantly waiting!

My arms will be open and ready to receive you.

In that day we shall kiss each other with a Godly kiss,

and the embrace we share will never end.

I promised I would wipe every tear off of your face in that great

day- when you come home to

be with Me forever.

Remember what you endure is not for you.

It is for others who will need you to lead them.

Your experiences will hold weight, and others will listen

and follow after you because of the God in you.

My reflection is in your life. There is no deliverance

without a trial.

There is no testimony without first a test.

Can you preach to others about a life you have never lived?

That is why your pain is great, but My comfort is greater. Lean on Me!

Until we meet again face to face please understand I am always with you in the Spirit. I am no more than just a call away.

Don’t be deceived by the dark forces that surround you.

There are more fighting for you than those fighting against you.

So I say for now good night my sweet sweet Princess!! 

~Corenna Khieu~

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO