Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Come Steal My Heart Away" poem

Hey you! Thanks for coming by. Leave me a comment and lets talk!

Come Steal My Heart Away

I am dreaming of you.
I am lost in the endless possibilities of me and you.

No more fears, no more cares just you by my side.
My heart is ready for love, so come steal my heart away.

For so long I have held on to my heart too tightly, but not this night.
I lay here in an ocean of my own tears dreaming of you endlessly.

I grow sick of waiting for you.
Alone in the dark is where I found myself.

I cannot say for sure if I am a sleep, or if I have just floated away into a day dream. 

I lay here just thinking of the day you will come steal my heart away.

With every kiss we share in my dreams
my hearts knits closer and closer to yours. But
how can this be true when I don’t even know you?

When my soul sees you, it will know its mate, so only for you I will wait.
Come steal my heart away, and take me into the lust of your heart.

Display your most intimate desires with me.
Connect with me like a fire that ignites the coals to burn hot.

Show your love strong and powerful to me for
I am under your spell of love.

Come come soon I pray. I wait vigorously for the day
your love will steal my heart away.

I have held onto it just for you.
 I cared for my heart in ways you will never understand. I held on to it tightly, so only you could experience its loving glow.

 I ensured that by the time you found it,
it would be whole.

When you come steal my heart away my love, you will not have to find prices of it broken.

 My heart will not appear as a broken puzzle hidden like buried treasure in the endless time of my hurt, shame, and regrets.

Our time is much too short for that. I cannot wait for the day that we will spend all eternity
laying in the green pastures by the peaceful rivers.

 In this place my heart will be forever yours and yours mine. 
Please come soon and steal my heart away it eagerly waits for you. 

~Corenna Khieu~

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO