Monday, March 9, 2015



Trust is not something that you can buy from a store. Trust is not something that a person is entitled to have from you. Trust is one of the most valuable things a person can give to you. Trust cannot be demanded it must be earned.

Having a person’s trust is key to having their full commitment and loyalty. When relationships are built on a strong foundation it will not fall apart easily. 

Trust is essential to a lasting friendship, partnership, team unity, and a romantic relationship.  If the parties involved don’t have a trusting relationship it is destined to fail.

Today take some time and reflect on the relationships in your life. It is important to realize who you are. Are you a person who has problems trusting others, are you a person who trust too easily, or are you a little bit of both? 

Next decide who are the people you truly feel are in your corner. YES I am asking you to make a list!! This is just for your eyes only.

It’s good to know who you are and what issues you are dealing with. Everyone who smiles in your face is not a friend. Sometimes they are just there in the moment passing by. To be honest you, and I don’t need any more of those kinds of people in our lives.


Trust is the beginning of love, understanding, commitment, friendship, loyalty, and communication. Trust is the gate keeper to any real relationship you ever expect to have. Make sure you are a person WORTH TRUSTING and that others around you are WORTHY OF YOUR TRUST. Remember trust has to be a balanced equation.   

In your own words tell me what is trust to you? What is not trust in your opinion? I would love to know what you think!   

 P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO