Saturday, March 14, 2015

"Never Be Jealous"

Never be jealous of anyone. Celebrate others for what they are doing, and for what they are good at. 

Love yourself enough to improve the person you see standing before you today. 

There is NEVER any reason to be jealous of others when God has already given you enough charm, pizazz, strength , and talents.

 Be the best you God created. Be grateful for all you have and you will not have to worry about the spirit of jealous coming in, and disrupting your life. 

Remember you are truly special and wonderfully made in the image of God Himself. Just in case no one told you today YOU really are more than ENOUGH!  Be blessed beautiful! ;)

 P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO