Monday, March 30, 2015

Courage, Bravery, Fear: Which one are you?

Courage is not about feeling brave it is about being scared in the face of fear while not backing down. Having courage means you find the strength you need to move pass an insurmountable challenge that stands in your way.

Think about the last time you were afraid to do something big. What did you do to move pass that fear?

Growing up I thought being brave was feeling fearless at all times. When situations came my way and I was afraid I felt weak. I ultimately began to believe I was a failure. I started to think I could NEVER be brave.

One day I learned a lesson that forever changed my life. I learned that most successful people have had to overcome many challenges to be where they are today. 

Life was not always easy for them just like it is not always easy for you and I. One of the most brilliant minds such as Albert Einstein failed standardized examinations and struggled to find work. 

The history books do not remember your struggles as much as they remember your achievements.

So what am I saying? You will not always feel strong or even brave. It is not in a feeling rather it is in a knowing deep down within. 

It is okay to be scared it just means that you are human. Take a deep breath and say to yourself ”I can do this!” It may take you a few times, but never give up. What most people think of as bravery is really persistence and sheer determination.

Next time when someone says ”wow you are really brave.” Tell them no politely, and say “I am afraid, but I made a choice a long time ago to do it no matter what I was feeling.”

 P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO