Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Show Them That You Care

 Most human beings just simply want to hear the ones they love say “I care about you!” And truly mean it on a deeper level. They just want the people in their lives to show a genuine interest in the things that he or she deems important to one’s self.

Saying you care is a great start, but showing her that you care is even better. I ask myself sometimes “how well do I really know the people in my family?” Now that might sound a little crazy to you, but I assure you that it is not. 

When is the last time that YOU really set down and asked someone something about their life because you truly wanted to know more about them? 

Love is not just a feeling it is an action. It is time to start expressing your love and appreciation with greater vigor for the people in your life.

 It is great to say kind words, but kind words followed up with simply gesture like taking time out of your day to ensure that the person you love is okay, makes the greatest impact on your relationship. 

Try putting the ones you love first. Make sure you ask them how they are doing before you unload your day on them; it will show that you truly care and that you are concerned about their feelings!Let me know how it goes!   

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming out soon; also be on the look out for my YouTube videos coming your way. XOXO