Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I Just Want To Love You Until The End Of Time. Poem

"I Just Want To Love You Until The End Of Time."

I just want to love you until the end of time. I just want to love you until you are all mine.

I want to love you until the pain fades away. I want to love you until you come back another day!

I just want to love you until my final dying day has arrived and I will be complete with you by my side. I want to love you until time stand still FOREVER!

I want to love you until it does not even matter what the clock on the wall says. Now is our time;
I just wish we had more of it together………… I will look for you in sweet serenity. I will look for you in eternity; there we can always be together without the interruption of time. 

With you is where I MUST be. I just want to love you until the end of time and beyond. This bond that we share can NEVER be broken, so I will wait for you in endless sleep. I dream more than I am awake; I sit and fantasize about your sweet lips on mine.

I use every second of every day to think of you. My thoughts of you brings me pure joy.

There is not
enough time with you here on this earth! I will just wait until the end of time for you to finally be ALL mine.


My new book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is now available on Amazon! Get your copy now. XOXO.