Thursday, May 26, 2016

"When The End Is Near"

 "When The End Is Near"

I was wounded by the moon.

The stars in the sky also turned out to tell lies.

How could you be, so coy with me?

My wounds were your wounds.

Where they not self-inflected?

I stared at the sun knowing its powerful

rays would scorch the retina of my eyes.

Why do mortals beg and plead for death, but

when their appointed hour comes

they feel somehow as though  

life had suddenly betrayed them?

Is that not what you asked for?

Fire and glass both have one thing in common;

they can both be broken by the destruction of the storm.

With time lagging behind your Saturday mornings just don’t feel the same anymore. 
Life has now changed.

Rose petals on sandy beaches, red wine, candle lights, and the moon.

These are the things that help make this a perfect night.

Growing old I think about my tomb and my gravestone.

  Engraved on my headstone will read:

Here lies a remarkable woman who was full of passion and imagination.

She indulged in life and won every battle that came her way.

Too many times we wonder what people will say when we are gone,

but most NEVER really knew who we were in the first place.

I can hear you now kicking and screaming in your grave saying “this is not me?

Whom do you speak of?”

How can you stand before the church speaking on my behalf when I can speak for myself?

Let me write my own eulogy!

Don’t let history blot out your name or rewrite your story

tell it the way it happened.

Let me reflect on the fragments we call


Let me stand before the church on today

and testify about a woman named ME!

This is my truth and I hold it tight!

I bid you all farewell

and goodnight!
Written by Corenna Khieu.

My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now. Get your copy today! XOXO