Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Letting Go"

 "As hard as it may seem to understand sometimes we cannot go backwards even if we tried. Everything around us is moving and changing, and we must too! It’s time to move forward, and create new memories, and ideas to cherish. Holding on to the past will paralyze, and damage our future. 

Remember the past, do not hold on to it! That time frame only existed then; now we have to set our sights on bigger and better things. Don’t get trapped trying to hold on to something or someone that no longer fits your lifestyle, or personal needs. 

Today is about creating a future worth living for tomorrow! Realign your focus, and work on becoming a better you! I practice these tips as well because they really do work!"~CJK~


Write down anything that you feel is holding you back from your past. It could be one thing or ten things. Take a deep breath, and write down next to them “I am letting go now in Jesus name!” There is power in that name to receive healing.

Say "I am letting go of pain, hurt, depression, rejection, low self worth, loneliness, insecurities, loss of hope, bad friends, bad relationships, a bad self image, and old terrible memories etc. 

You are the master of your own future! Now take control of your life by speaking over yourself positive things daily; pray that God will lead you away from any bondage that seeks to hold you down in Jesus name you are free, and released. 

After writing those things down daily speak over yourself that you are letting go until you see those changes taking place. I am proud of you; this is the first step toward healing in your life!!