Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"True Sexiness"

 Hey all thanks for reading! Comment below!

True sexiness & classiness is not defined by an outfit you can put on and take off. It is a frame of mind, an attitude, and inner self confidences that exudes with everything you do! 
There is no need to overly work to have something you already possess right?

Putting politics aside look at women like Michelle Obama; she is smart, well educated, well spoken, beautiful, and physically fit. She is graceful while yet powerful.

She had no need to twerk to get the attention of others, and move forward in her life, and career as a lawyer.

You can have beauty and brains! Respect yourself far more than anything or anyone else ever will, love yourself more, while keeping a balance of sexiness and classiness. This can be achieved!

Remember intelligent women can be powerful, beautiful, and have high powered positions in any industry they want! Never compromise your integrity to be like others; it does not suit you well at all! #CJK

P.S. My book “Daily Empowerment For Successful Living” is coming soon this fall! I am so excited to share what I have learned about life with you! Stay tuned there is more on the way!! ;)