Saturday, July 12, 2014

Do Changes Happen On Their Own?

Hey all it is your girl Corenna!! Thanks you again for your love and support. You are the reason I do this!! Leave me a message, and lets start talking about some of these topics. I want you to have a voice as well in these discussions! You can even ask me questions!

One thing I have learned over the years is, just because I don't like something does not mean that it is going to change. What will make your situation change is YOU! Changes don't happen on their own; they need your help!

Get active!! Change the world by changing your own out look first!!!! Remember in all of your getting, get some understanding!!(Proverbs 4:7)

Put God in the center of your life, and He will make you the head and not the tail in everything that you do. It is time that you be first and not last even longer!! Change your thinking, so you can go higher!! Oooooh the time is now for the new things of God to enter into your life!!(Deuteronomy 28)


Write three things down(this is only for your eyes not mine) that you know you have to change to go higher. Now write three things about yourself that are positive, and that will help you grow and change. I want you to pray over this list, and see God help transform your heart and mind for His glory! 



My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you this fall. If you want to be inspired again, if you want your hope restored than this is for sure the book for you! Also be on the lookout for my YouTube videos! I cannot wait to share my secrets on life, true happiness, love, success and God with you! See you soon! XOXO