Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stop Letting Your Past Control Your Future

 Hey love!! 

Thanks for your support! Leave me a comment, and let start a discussion!  

Don’t let the past control your future. Don’t let others use your past mistakes as a way to beat you down. Learn to cut those off in your life that are doing nothing to enhance it. Your time is your greatest asset, and guess-what, there is not enough of it to do all the things you need to do. Be wise, and move forward. Don’t let other people’s limited view of who they think you are control your future and purpose!!

Challenge: Stay strong today; don’t let small minded people pull you down, or pull you back to the old places you came from. You are far better than that. Saying nothing to a person who wants a poor reaction out of you is better than giving them the show that they were looking for!

P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon!! Also look for my YouTube videos that I am getting ready to put up! Thanks for the support!