Tuesday, July 1, 2014

“I Am His” Poem

Hey all!

Leave a comment! Talk with you later! ;)

“I Am His”
I am His Girl
I am His woman
I am His friend
I am His wife
I am His everything!
 He is the lover of my soul.
He looks at me
In ways you will
Never understand.
He sits and thinks
About me all day
And all night
He loves everything
About my face.
I am the
Makers taste.
My eyes are exactly
What He likes.
My lips are full
Plump & sweetly
His gentle hand
He takes
And runs His
Fingers through
My wild curly hair.
He loves my
He thinks
It is cute!  
He is my all,
All that have, and
All that I  
Will ever be
Will be in Him
My future belongs to Him.  
Every tear I cry
He has labeled
And put them
Into a bottle,
So He shall
Never forget
What they meant
To me, and Him.
He keeps my heart
Safe and nourished
When I think of Him
My heart races out of control.
One word from Him
Can calm all
Of my fears.
His love meets
Me like the rain
Meets the rainforest.
He loves to
Run away with
Like a lover
Desperate for
Their one
And only.
Daily I drink
Of His well
Of living waters.
He has quenched
My thirst in
Every good way.
I shall never
Want with Him
By my side.
His love hides me
Like a shadow under
His wings.
I am His and He is mine.
He is eternity
His love will
Last forever.
In His eyes
I see my future.
He sets my soul on fire.
When I am with Him
My heart feels complete
In His joy.
I am yours forever
Do with me what you will!
His passion for me
Speaks volumes
About His love for
I am at peace
With His word
I stand on
His truth.
I am invigorated
By His pure
No touch
Have I felt that makes
Me melt
Like an ice cube
In the light
Of His son Jesus.
I am proud
To be yours
I am proud
You call me your lady love.
 I am your baby girl
Your lady
Your woman
Your wife
Your lover and friend
  I am yours!
                                                                      You promised me
                                                                    That you would
Never leave me
And I believe
In you completely.
I am forever His
Because He is
My Lord & King.
For all
I am His!
P.S. my book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you soon!! Also look for my YouTube videos that I am getting ready to put up! Thanks for the support!