Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are You Really Stepping Out?

Are You Really Stepping Out?

The question has been asked are you stepping out…..for real??

Well I hope the answer is YES! When I say stepping out I mean stepping out to fulfill your dreams. If you are anything like me you have a lot of dreams, and goals that are very big.

Dreaming big is good. Dreaming big gives us hope. Without a dream or a hope our hearts would fail us. Today it is time to make that call. You know what call I am talking about!! The call that you have been putting off because you are fearful that you are not ready to handle it( whatever it maybe to you). If you make the call you will know what you should, and should not be doing at this time in your life. Making that needed call will give you the clarity you need to make a plan of action to move you toward your future.  

We are in a take charge season, so take charge!! Your very life depends on this next move. Your next move determines what you will be doing for the next 10 to 20 years of your life; thus, it is imperative that you get started NOW!

I will let you in on my little secret; everything I have ever done that was big in my life I was afraid just like you. I was afraid that I would not be good enough, I was afraid that I would not be ready, I was afraid I would not be smart enough, but I did it anyways, and never let anyone know how I felt. I acted as if I knew the place I was in was made just for me. I could not look like I was afraid I had to believe in myself. As I started going after my goals, and dreams I learned many times I had made the situation much bigger than it really was. I freaked myself out because I did not take control of my emotions.    

The point here is, I almost talked myself out of a good thing happening to me because of the fear of the unknown. Being a little afraid is normal; being paralyzed by fear is not okay, and it is not living a greater life that God has planned for you!

Write down your goals and dreams again! Yes…. just do it again! You need to take a long look in the mirror, and see the person God made, and say “I can do this, I will do this, and I will be successful doing this!”

It is time to let the world see just how gifted and talented you are.
The challenge for today is: step out, do something different, big or small, because it all matters in the end. Take it one day at a time, and be patient with yourself. Soon you will see the results from your hard work!!