Saturday, May 24, 2014

How Big Is Your God?

"Stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big, and great your God is." Bishop Derrick Traylor

If we thought like this more we would have greater victories to thank God for. There is no problem or hurt God is not able to deal with. We are talking about a God who created the entire world, and everything we see, and things we don't. All power is in His hands. Start thanking God for moving mountains in your life. After all He is bigger than any problem we will ever face in this life.

Be like a little child run and tell that bully in your life that your daddy is going to get him. Tell your bills, bad relationships, broken heart, loneliness, sickness, missed opportunities, coworkers telling lies on you etc. what your daddy said about the situation. Your God designed this life, so you could win this race. YOU ARE A WINNER!!!! It is God’s greatest joy to bless you, and take care of your EVERY need, and desire.

Just have a little more FAITH, and He will see you through. No problem is too big or small for God. Stop telling people who CANNOT help you what is wrong with your life, and tell the one who GAVE YOU LIFE that you trust, and thank Him for bringing you out of your trials, and He will. ~CJK~