Saturday, May 24, 2014

Part of my painful testimony

Most people don’t know this about me, but for most of my life I battled depression and suicidal thoughts. I was beyond hopeless. People would see me smelling, and ACTTING happy; I did not even love the person I saw in the mirror every day.

My mother and father could not help because they did not understand what was wrong with me. Even when I did tell people the pain I was facing they just did not understand. People said “well just be happy, and that will fix your problems; you will not be depressed anymore,” but it was not that easy. I had a real problem that almost made me end my life countless times.

In my family people did not go to the doctor for such things, but I should have went. This is just part of my testimony of how God delivered, and covered me when I could not help myself. Jesus became my drug of choice. God has healed me of depression, oppression, and suicidal thoughts. If I had ended my life like I wanted to, I would have missed out on so many wonderful blessings that God had in store for me. When you are in a dark place it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I want to encourage some one that Jesus is the light at the end of the tunnel that you need to focus on. If you call on Him He is faithful, and will see you through to the end. To pray you don’t need fancy words just an honest heart to tell God how you are feeling, and ask for help.
After my dad died when I was 14 years old there were days I would not even get out of the bed; I was hurt, and let down by life. I was mad, and I did not want to get close to anyone because I was fearful that they would die too! I would have never made it without God.

I did not know God well back then, but I knew that if I prayed He would help me make it, and He did……. I am STILL ALIVE TODAY! YES HE DID IT! I am doing better than ever now because His love saved me. God is a keeper and a friend when you need one.
If you are suffering there are places you can call 24 hours a day to get help. Don’t suffer alone you don’t have to. Tell God you need His help, and He will if you allow Him to have His way. There is help, and you have choices. You are not powerless or a victim. Everyone goes through a hard place in life, and this might just be yours. Don’t give up, and don’t let go. Greater is inside of you, and that is God. Your life is just getting start; don’t give it up for anything! Be blessed. ~CJK~