Thursday, June 26, 2014

“Everything Has Its Time"

 Hey all!! Thanks for reading. Leave a comment!! Have a great day!

 Ecclesiastes 3. “Everything Has Its Time.”

I have always believed that everything that happens is for a reason, and there is a season for all things. Seasons do come to an end! Knowing what season you are in, in your life will help you not try, and hold on to something, or someone; that is no longer meant to be there. Learning to let go, and let God is the best thing you can do!
Challenge: Do you know what season you are in? This will help you determine your success.   

 My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is out now on Amazon! Get your copy today. XOXO. :) 

Be The Solution Not The Problem

 Hey all!! I hope your day is going good, so far. Thanks for your support please leave a comment!

 Act 3:6-8Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. 

 Look for ways to be an answer to a person’s prayers today. Be the solution, and not the problem. I realize we cannot always give people what it is that they are asking for because we may not have it to give, but what do you have to offer? These men of God had no money, but they had a prayer connection to the kingdom of God that would forever change this man’s life, and God gave him his ability to walk. If he could now walk he now could work, and never have to ask anyone to feel sorry for him; no longer would he be at a disadvantage because he could now take care of his own needs, and wants. He was empowered that day to never be the same again. That is a powerful thing that silver and gold cannot do for you.

Challenge: Say a prayer today for someone; this maybe the solution they needed from you. Look at different ways to help a person instead of just saying no. Pray and ask God what He would have you to do for them. It is the King that will give us the green light or the red to move forward. A simple prayer will always work for sure.

Share with us. Has there ever been a time in your life when you helped a person? What did you learn from that experience?  

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Greatness Inside of You

 There is greatness inside of you. Believe in yourself always! Never allow other people's thoughts about who they think you are define or change the way you see yourself. 

You have power to do anything you put your mind to if you just believe. There is greatness waiting for you on a higher level, so it is time to go up to receive it. No more reaching for your blessings on your tippy toes. 

The time is now to take your seat with God, but you must be willing to humble yourself before His mighty hand, and submit to His will, so He can expose your greatness to you! Be blessed today. I love you all with the Love of God!! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Life Style Choices

Life Style Choices  

You do not have to agree with a person's life style choices! You also do not have a right to put them down behind their backs or to their faces. It is not your life. God called us to love and pray for people, not kill them with our words. Think about that next time or there may not be a next time for that someone who you hurt. We are all going to disagree at some point about different things, because what works for one may not work for all. Let us agree that God is right, and let Him deal with us, and others around us. 


 Next time you come across a person who is living a life that you do not agree with instead of looking down on them pray for them. Prayer can change lives, and heal people. Negative words can take life, destroy futures, and cause pain. Let God be the only judge not you. Be God like; show love no matter what. After all it is our job to do so! Stay blessed!!


Friday, June 13, 2014

It Is Not Your Job To Please Everyone!.

Jeremiah 29:11. “ For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Over the years I have learned one cannot allow other people’s actions or opinions to dictate ones directions about life. The only one who matters is God. His thoughts about me are what is important no one else's

Be empowered today. Know that it is not your job to please everyone. Your job is to fulfill your Heavenly father’s purpose that He planted in you before the nations were even formed. Bring it forth today! 

 Don’t be made with others because they are not standing in your corner cheering you on the way you would like. If they are not there chances are they were not meant to be in your life, and that is okay too.

Seasons change! We as people change as well, and grow; sometimes we draft apart. Put your focus back on God. Know that everything will work itself out as long as you keep your eyes on Him, and no one else!! Be blessed!!  




My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is coming to you this fall. If you want to be inspired again, if you want your hope restored than this is for sure the book for you! Also be on the lookout for my YouTube videos! I cannot wait to share my secrets on life, true happiness, love, success and God with you! See you soon! XOXO