Monday, June 2, 2014

I Know It's Monday Again......

 Hey!! Thanks for stopping by. Leave me a comment and lets start a discussion. 

Monday the start of the week once again!

Most people do not like Mondays at all! Why? Because it means that there is a lot to do during the week.

 Let us re-examine Monday shall we?

Instead of looking at Mondays as a start to a long week just to get to a very short weekend, lets look at Mondays as a start to a new week of opportunities.

I know you have dreams, visions, and goals. Some of these ideas you may not even know what to do with them, so you can move forward.

Take some time to map out a plan of action for yourself. Put your plans in place, and say a prayer that God will give you His favor this week on all that you do that is right before Him. It’s time to make some calls to important people! It is time to ask the right questions, so you can move forward! Your dreams can be your reality if you go after them with all of your heart.

There may be some NO’s at first; however, you only need one really good honest yes to help you make it to where you want to be. It takes time, hard work, and dedication to make your dreams happen.

Let Monday be the start of a new week of divine connections, and access to resources like you would never believe. When you put God in His proper place He will make the difference in all you do.

 I know stepping up your game can be a little scary because of the fear of failing, and thinking about what others will say if you don’t make it.

Let's deal with this! First off anyone who really has your back is not going to talk down about you, and laugh when things don’t go the way you thought they would. This behavior from family or friends is just not acceptable.

It is MONDAY!! That means it is time to make some moves, and real choices this week. Go after your goals, go after your dreams, and bring home the gold medals. You will have to work to get it, but I know you can do it!!

When it is all said and done you will be able to sit back, and count your medals/victories you have won! Let’s take on Mondays together, and we will work hard to fulfill our dreams!!               

It's Monday, so now it is game time. We have to be productive this week team. Don't just dream about it, be about it! ~CJK~

P.S. My book "Daily Empowerment For Successful Living" is  out . Get your copy now! XOXO.