Saturday, June 7, 2014

I Kissed The Sky One Night

I kissed the sky one night
 And asked
How many would give
Just one more night
To be with thee.
To sit under
His radiant sparkle.
To feel the cool breeze
Of his sisters
Breath on thy
 Sweet shoulders.
At last I kissed the sky.
Appearing like a black
Ocean of endless
I kissed thee, and thou
Like a tireless lover
Kissed me back!
Speak to your dreams
And call them forth my
You never know
When your appointed
Time will come.
Live not one day
In regret.
Remember I kissed
The cold black
Night sky
And he kissed me back.
Your dreams
Are possible.
Reach for them
My love
Pray for them
Day and
My love
And see them come
Just like the
Night sky
You never know
What mysteries
It holds, and has inside.
Kiss the night
 Sky my
And He will
Give you all
The stars
Of the Heavens.