Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Life Style Choices

Life Style Choices  

You do not have to agree with a person's life style choices! You also do not have a right to put them down behind their backs or to their faces. It is not your life. God called us to love and pray for people, not kill them with our words. Think about that next time or there may not be a next time for that someone who you hurt. We are all going to disagree at some point about different things, because what works for one may not work for all. Let us agree that God is right, and let Him deal with us, and others around us. 


 Next time you come across a person who is living a life that you do not agree with instead of looking down on them pray for them. Prayer can change lives, and heal people. Negative words can take life, destroy futures, and cause pain. Let God be the only judge not you. Be God like; show love no matter what. After all it is our job to do so! Stay blessed!!